Dr. Paul Stuart Wichansky, Motivational Speaker
Disability Acceptance    Leadership & Resiliency
Diversity    Overcoming Adversity   Anti-Bullying

News Articles long


Televised News Media and Video Clips

Televised news media and Red Carpet Interviews
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Televised News Media and Video Clips

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Motivational Speaker Makes a Difference

Video Interview of Paul Wichansky, PhD

NYU class in broadcast journalism, by Matthew Sockol.

"Create a video of an inspiring person at location meaningful to him or her."

April 2022.

Video created at Laura Donovan School, Freehold Township NJ.

Transforming Obstacles Into Opportunities

Video Podcast Interview of Dr. Paul Wichansky

Season 5, Ep 4: B-Inspired Video Podcast.

October 2021.

Transforming Obstacles Into Opportunities

Video Podcast Interview of Dr. Paul Wichansky

Season 5, Ep 4: B-Inspired Video Podcast.

October 2021.

Transforming Obstacles Into Opportunities

Video Podcast Interview.

Season 5, Ep 4: B-Inspired Video Podcast.

October 2021.

My TED Talk, Taking the "Dis" out of "Disability"

Dr. Paul Wichansky, Disability Keynote Speaker

My TED Talk, Taking the "Dis" out of "Disability"

My perspective on disability awareness and acceptance.

Speaker inspires high-school seniors

Trooper Youth Week (TYW), 24 July 2019.

by New Jersey State Police. 

NJ senator Vin Gopal was in audience.

New Jersey Students Get Life Lessons   
CBS Evening News Story on School Speakers
by CBS News NY reporter Lisa Rozner, 23 October 2017.
3 R's Day (Respect, Reflect, & Resiliency) 
Dr. Paul Wichansky talked about how he learned to walk, despite being born with cerebral palsy. 'The hardest part of learning how to walk is learning how to fall down,' Wichansky said.

Speaker inspires high-school seniors

Trooper Youth Week, 24 July 2019.

Social media post by New Jersey State Police

by CBS News NY reporter Lisa Rozner.
23 October 2017.
3 R's Day (Respect, Reflect, & Resiliency) 
Dr. Paul Wichansky talked about how he learned to walk, despite being born with cerebral palsy. 'The hardest part of learning how to walk is learning how to fall down,' he said.
by CBS News NY reporter Lisa Rozner, 23 October 2017.
3 R's Day (Respect, Reflect, & Resiliency) 
Dr. Paul Wichansky talked about how he learned to walk, despite being born with cerebral palsy. 'The hardest part of learning how to walk is learning how to fall down,' Wichansky said.
ArcLight Cinemas, Hollywood CA.
9 May 2009. 

Dr. Paul was a script consultant for the movie, Love 'N Dancing, starring Tom Malloy and Amy Smart. Tom's character in the movie, Jake, is a motivational speaker with a hearing loss. Dr. Paul ensured that Jake's disability is realistic on-screen. He is listed in the movie's ending credits. 
ArcLight Cinemas, Hollywood CA.  9 May 2009. 

Dr. Paul was a script consultant for the movie, Love 'N Dancing, starring Tom Malloy and Amy Smart. Tom's character in the movie, Jake, is a motivational speaker with a hearing loss. Dr. Paul ensured that Jake's disability is realistic on-screen. He is listed in the movie's ending credits. 

Newspaper and Online Articles

Click the blue underlined text to read full article. Virtual school programs on bullying, diversity, disability awareness, and resilience.

Newspaper and Online Articles

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News Articles
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Book Review of  Dr. Paul Wichansky's "Yes I Can!"

by Thomas Anderson and Karen Almeida

LITERARY TITAN Professional Book Review

6 March 2023.

"His life is testimony enough that no matter how difficult things may appear and how many obstacles you may have to overcome, you can still live an accomplished life. One of my favorite quotes from the book is, '…that optimism can become your access to success.' This phrase makes a good inspirational quote that will keep many readers going."

Freehold Township motivational speaker publishes first book

The News Transcript at CentralJersey.com  Freehold NJ

by Matthew Sockol, Staff Writer

11 November 2022.

"My book -- Yes I Can! -- can assist parents of special needs kids and with teens and young adults having physical, mental or emotional health issues.  I was a special needs kid myself, so I have written it from that perspective,” Wichansky said. Americans

Freehold Native is Finalist in National Award for Hearing Loss

Patch Freehold NJ

by Catarina Moore, Patch Staff.

30 November 2021.

"Removing the first three letters from the word 'disability' creates the more uplifting 'ability,'" Paul said. "That is important in our lives. It's what we can do. Sure, our disabilities may make it more difficult for us to reach goals, but a positive attitude can often move us in that direction only if we persevere." Americans

Motivational Speaker Gives Inspirational Virtual School Assembly to Students in West Caldwell

TapInto West Essex NJ

by Liliana Swanson, 10-year-old aspiring writer.

27 March 2021.

"It was very inspirational and now I'm motivated to do nicer things and stand up for those who are being bullied. I hope that in the future people will learn to be as kind as Dr. Paul and accept people the way they are." including Asian Americans.

Motivational Speaker Gives Inspirational Virtual School Assembly to Students in West Caldwell

TapInto West Essex NJ

by Liliana Swanson, 10 years old.

27 March 2021.

"It was very inspirational and now I'm motivated to do nicer things and stand up for those who are being bullied. I hope that in the future people will learn to be as kind as Dr. Paul and accept people the way they are."

Honoring Dr. Paul Stuart Wichansky for an Inspiring 40-year Career Educating Others about Disabilities


by the office of NJ Senator Vin Gopal.

9 September 2020.

“Dr. Wichansky is a renowned motivational speaker who was born with cerebral palsy and a hearing loss. A lifelong Freehold Township resident, he has overcome these challenges and continues to share his story of courage and resilience — always with humor — during a speaking career totaling 7,600 school assemblies and conference keynotes in NJ and nationwide,” said Gopal (D-Long Branch).  -- NJ student

Celebrating Acceptance with Madison's Books

Freehold, NJ Patch

by Rosalie Avin, Neighbor.  3 August 2020.

"Dr. Paul's personal stories enhanced the lessons learned in the reading.  He talked about facing his disabilities as well as bullying and forgiveness."

Morris Plains students hear story of man who rejected "I Can't!"


by Tyler Barth, Guest Contributor. 

19 November 2019.

"His dad’s tough love helped him get on his feet; Wichansky credits his mother Barbara’s hard work, upbeat attitude and refusal to quit with getting him where he is today." -- NJ student

Brielle Elementary students hear a lesson in respect

Motivational Speaker, 2019 NJ Week of Respect

The Coast Star, Cover Story (in color)

by Scott Yunker, Writer. 

10 October 2019.

"He taught kids that they can rise above whatever they are facing. He did a good job of pointing out the need to be tolerant of others who cannot achieve their goals right away. He did talk about his disability, but it was more about empowering kids and teaching them to do the best they can." -- Beth O'Reilly, school counselor

8-year-old Marlboro girl begins a 'Diversity Library'

Asbury Park Press

by Melissa Badamo, Community Change.  24 August 2020.

"She also hosted socially distant events in her backyard [including] a visit from Dr. Paul Wichansky, a motivational speaker who spreads awareness of diversity, disabilities and acceptance."

Celebrating Acceptance with Madison's Books

Freehold, NJ Patch

by Rosalie Avin.  3 August 2020.

"Dr. Paul's personal stories enhanced the lessons learned in the reading.  He talked about facing his disabilities as well as bullying and forgiveness."

Morris Plains students hear story of man who rejected "I Can't!"


by Tyler Barth, Writer. 

19 November 2019.

"His dad’s tough love helped him get on his feet; Wichansky credits his mother Barbara’s hard work, upbeat attitude and refusal to quit with getting him where he is today."-- Morris County NJ student

Brielle Elementary students hear a lesson in respect

The Coast Star, Cover Story.

by Scott Yunker, Writer at The Coast Star.  10 October 2019.

"He taught kids that they can rise above whatever they are facing. He did a good job of pointing out the need to be tolerant of others who cannot achieve their goals right away." -- Beth O'Reilly, school counselor
Morris Plains students hear story of man who rejected "I Can't!"
by Tyler Barth, Writer.  19 November 2019.
"His dad’s tough love helped him get on his feet; Wichansky credits his mother Barbara’s hard work, upbeat attitude and refusal to quit with getting him where he is today."-- Morris County NJ student
The Coast Star, Cover Story.
by Scott Yunker, Writer at The Coast Star.  10 October 2019.
"He taught kids that they can rise above whatever they are facing. He did a good job of pointing out the need to be tolerant of others who cannot achieve their goals right away. He did talk about his disability, but it was more about empowering kids and teaching them to do the best they can." -- Beth O'Reilly, school counselor

Former pupil returns to school with message for children to follow their dreams

Freehold NJ News Transcript

by Matthew Sokol, Staff Writer at CentralJersey.com 

14 May 2019.

“You are quite a remarkable young man for not only meeting your challenges head on, but exceeding far beyond in all that you do. I think it’s a wonderful gift of kindness that you care to share your story with the youth of today and for many to bring hope and reassurance of what their tomorrows can be.”

Former pupil returns to school with message for children to follow their dreams

Freehold NJ News Transcript

by Matthew Sokol, Staff Writer.

CentralJersey.com  14 May 2019.

“You are quite a remarkable young man for not only meeting your challenges head on, but exceeding far beyond in all that you do. I think it’s a wonderful gift of kindness that you care to share your story with the youth of today and for many to bring hope and reassurance of what their tomorrows can be.”

Hawk  Day: News at Corning Painted-Post High School

Motivational Speaker, Spirit and Teamwork Day

by Alexandra Behn, CPP student in Corning, New York.

11 January 2019.

Video testimony from high-school assistant principal


[Dr. Paul] speaks to audiences about his life’s triumphs and frustrations to motivate and teach them the consequences of confidence, respect, and leadership.

Hawk Day: News at Corning Painted-Post High School

by Alexandra Behn, CPP student in Corning, New York.  11 January 2019.

Video testimony (at right) from high-school assistant principal

[Dr. Paul] speaks to audiences about his life’s triumphs and frustrations to motivate and teach them the consequences of confidence, respect, and leadership.

Respect in Many Forms at Westfield Schools

Motivational Speaker, NJ Week of Respect

by Russ Crespolini, Patch Staff.

11 October 2018.

Dr. Paul Wichansky – who was born with cerebral palsy and hearing loss – talks about the transformative nature of kindness and the importance of positivity.

New Jersey Schools Observe Week of Respect

Motivational Speaker, 2018 NJ Week of Respect

by Mary Ann McGann, District Coordinator of Community Relations. 

9 October 2018.

Intermediate students at Edison and Roosevelt [Middle Schools] were treated to powerful presentations [by] Dr. Paul Wichansky, who was born with cerebral palsy and a hearing loss.

Youth from cohort parishes hear speaker's journey

by Rose O'Connor, 2 May 2018.

Published in the Trenton Monitor.

From walking and forecasting the weather, to driving a car and jumping out of an airplane - and even meeting Billy Joel, whose song, Just the Way You Are, has become his website - Wichansky captivated the audience with his can-do attitude.
Audience members thank Paul after program.

Novartis Hosts 10th Disability Mentoring Day

Keynote Speaker, Novartis Pharmaceuticals.

by TapInto Madison Staff, 26 November 2017.

"You'll hit obstacles and need to go around or over to achieve your goals," said Novartis keynote speaker Dr. Paul Wichansky, a motivational speaker and author who was born with cerebral palsy and hearing loss. "Stay focused on positivity and hope."
Paul keynoting at Novartis Pharmaceuticals.

Trooper Youth Week,  New Jersey State Police Academy. Sea Girt NJ.

Growing Through Cerebral Palsy

a youtube video interview

20 June 2017.

Paul Stuart Wichansky, author and motivational speaker, on transforming a disability into special abilities through independence and with the help of friends and family.

Ability Awareness Initiatives:   Haddon Heights NJ School District

2016-2017 Academic Year.

Guest speaker Dr. Paul Wichansky delivered a powerful, humorous, and enlightening presentation on overcoming challenges. 

27th annual Development Disabilities Awareness Day celebrated in Niagara Falls NY

Opening Conference Keynote.

Niagara Frontier Publications.

22 May 2015.

Dr. Paul S. Wichansky will give the opening keynote, Taking the 'Dis' Out of Disability. He is an anti-bullying and peer leadership advocate, meteorologist, and has earned a Ph.D. 

10th Annual central Nebraska Youth Conference

Special Education Conference.

23 April 2015.

Dr. Paul Wichansky shared his inspirational message with everyone during the morning keynote and then continued his discussion with teachers. Students and teachers enjoyed opportunities to interact with Dr. Paul after his keynote.

Keynoting at a youth conference in Nebraska.

College Motivational Speaker Shares Struggles and Successes with Disability

Disability Awareness Month Keynotes at NJ College

by Jessica Ross, The Ramapo News.

6 October 2014.

“People can change when they become educated about the differences we all share, and those differences should always be celebrated, never ridiculed." 

Students avoid peer pressure during Week of Respect

2013 NJ Week of Respect speaker

NJ.com web site, from the Messenger Gazette.

23 October 2013.

Somerset County Vocational & Technical High School welcomed Dr. Paul Stuart Wichansky for an assembly on avoiding negative peer pressure, being unique, and overcoming challenges. 

Sussex County Charter School for Technology knows respect

New Jersey Herald.

19 October 2013.

Dr. Paul Wichansky’s unforgettable presentation helped us kick off the Week of Respect and our new school year by fostering a culture where respect is celebrated and our students feel empowered to foster healthy friendships and positive attitudes.

Freehold Township man earns doctorate

by Kimberly Predham, Asbury Park Press.

29 May 2008.

The students are the ones Wichansky talks about the most -- the ones who reach out to him days, weeks, even years later, to let him know how much his speeches meant to them.
Hooded with the Ph.D at the Rutgers commencement.

Awarding Degrees of Success:

Rutgers grads mark milestone with pride

by Sharon Adarlo, The Star Ledger.

21 May 2008, page 31.

For Paul Stuart Wichansky, walking has always been a struggle. He was diagnosed with cerebral palsy as a toddler and didn't learn to walk until he was 7 years old. At times, the disorder limited his mobility as a student at Rutgers' sprawling New Brunswick campus.

Published in the official autobiography of David Hasselhoff.
Debuted in bookstores Sept. 2006 in the U.K.; May 2007 in the U.S.

"Each of us can be heroes -- ordinary people who triumph over extraordinary circumstances -- like our favorite television characters do each week." 

[read Dr. Paul's inspirational letter online]

Paul published in David Hasselhoff's autobiography

Man uses humor to talk to students about cerebral palsy

by Mark Marotta, The Philadelphia Reporter, Page A3.

Several doctors told Wichansky's mother that her son would never be able to walk. One physician with a more positive attitude said it might be possible, although it would take years. The 36-year-old said the fact that he was standing in front of the students was a dream come true.
Keynote Speaker, National Conference
Eunice Kennedy Shriver National Center for Community of Caring.
"The hotel ballroom was filled with genuine laughter, good tears, and pertinent questions, as the audience responded positively to a keynote that was sincere, uplifting, and insightful." 

Speaker urges pupils to look beyond disabilities

Invited to speak in all K-8 schools in Lewis County, Washington State.

by Erik Olson, The Daily Chronicle.

21 May 2005.

He spoke to students Friday morning about overcoming his disability, following his dreams and not teasing others because of their differences ... he will have given his presentation to 12 schools in Lewis County [in Washington State] before he leaves this weekend.
Paul speaking in Washington State.

Mostly Sprawling and Warmer

by Kirk Johnson, The New York Times

Cover story, Metro Section (in color!).

Mr. Wichansky said that part of what he was looking for in his results were clues about how much of that warming effect was a result of atmospheric changes, and how much came from the ground. "The land cover change project may enable us to quantify how much of this warming may actually be due to changes in the land surface itself as a result of human modifications," he said. 

Township man's life story serves as an example to pupils

by Jonathan Rifkin, Asbury Park Press.

20 June 2002.

His varied stories of learning how to walk, relating to peers while growing up, and tirelessly pushing himself to follow his dreams and goals is presented with endless enthusiasm and energy. Stories about his childhood gave students insight into Wichansky's 'can do' attitude.

Taking the "Dis" out of "Disability":

A Unique Speakers Bureau Specializes in Disability Awareness

by Dina Stein, ArcLight Magazine.

Autumn 2002 issue.  4 pages.

"During the next hour, he had the audience enthralled as he told stories of his childhood in a wheelchair, of learning to walk, of falling over and over and pulling himself up to try again. By the end of the presentation, the children were eager to share their personal dreams and wishes with him, eager to explore their own strengths and abilities." 

by Casey Catelli, Merrill Edge
I left that room with tears in my eyes and determination in my mind. After that day, whenever I doubt myself, I think of Paul. He overcame so many obstacles set before him, and yet he turned out to be a knowledgeable and inspirational person. I now tell myself: if Paul can do it, I can too.

Forecast: Sunshine

by Paul Franklin, Home News Tribune.

9 September 2001.

His doctoral research evaluates the effects of historical land cover changes upon New Jersey's weather and climate. He wants to see what potential changes in weather have since occurred when the state's land cover has been altered through urbanization and agricultural practices.
Access to Success:
A Dream, Motivation, and a Winning Attitude
by Paul Stuart Wichansky. 
by Monica Willard, United Nations representative.

[NOTE: I was the only speaker from A Vision in Motion Speakers Bureau to earn a standing ovation from UN government representatives, even speaking after Scott Chesney.  I believe the ovation should have been given to Scott instead.  I guess I am too humble.]
by Shannon Mullen, Asbury Park Press cover story.
Wichansky, who has a Masters degree in meteorology, reads audiences as well as he does weather maps. He's not preachy or morose. Mostly, he tells funny stories.

He doesn't know the meaning of 'No' 

Student's indomitable spirit rises above physical limits, prejudice.

by Tia Swanson, Home News Tribune.

25 June 1995.

For his spirit and his accomplishments, Paul Wichansky was named this year as the cooperative education program's 1995 'Student of the Year' on the Cook College campus of Rutgers University.
Your friendly and open nature is simply magnetic, and it's easy to see how students, and people in general, are drawn to you. There are few people in this world who possess the God-given talent to single-handedly transform others' attitudes and perspectives in a positive way, and you, dear Paul, have undoubtedly been chosen to be one of them.
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