Televised News Media and Video Clips
Click the blue underlined text to start video.
Motivational Speaker Makes a Difference
Video Interview of Paul Wichansky, PhD
NYU class in broadcast journalism, by Matthew Sockol.
"Create a video of an inspiring person at location meaningful to him or her."
April 2022.
Video created at Laura Donovan School, Freehold Township NJ.
Transforming Obstacles Into Opportunities
Video Podcast Interview of Dr. Paul Wichansky
Season 5, Ep 4: B-Inspired Video Podcast.
October 2021.
Transforming Obstacles Into Opportunities
Video Podcast Interview of Dr. Paul Wichansky
Season 5, Ep 4: B-Inspired Video Podcast.
October 2021.
Transforming Obstacles Into Opportunities
Video Podcast Interview.
Season 5, Ep 4: B-Inspired Video Podcast.
October 2021.
My TED Talk, Taking the "Dis" out of "Disability"
Dr. Paul Wichansky, Disability Keynote Speaker
Click the blue underlined text to read full article. Virtual school programs on bullying, diversity, disability awareness, and resilience.
Newspaper and Online Articles
Click the blue underlined text to read full article.
by Thomas Anderson and Karen Almeida
LITERARY TITAN Professional Book Review
6 March 2023.
"His life is testimony enough that no matter how difficult things may appear and how many obstacles you may have to overcome, you can still live an accomplished life. One of my favorite quotes from the book is, '…that optimism can become your access to success.' This phrase makes a good inspirational quote that will keep many readers going."
The News Transcript at Freehold NJ
by Matthew Sockol, Staff Writer
11 November 2022.
"My book -- Yes I Can! -- can assist parents of special needs kids and with teens and young adults having physical, mental or emotional health issues. I was a special needs kid myself, so I have written it from that perspective,” Wichansky said. Americans
Patch Freehold NJ
by Catarina Moore, Patch Staff.
30 November 2021.
"Removing the first three letters from the word 'disability' creates the more uplifting 'ability,'" Paul said. "That is important in our lives. It's what we can do. Sure, our disabilities may make it more difficult for us to reach goals, but a positive attitude can often move us in that direction only if we persevere." Americans
TapInto West Essex NJ
by Liliana Swanson, 10-year-old aspiring writer.
27 March 2021.
"It was very inspirational and now I'm motivated to do nicer things and stand up for those who are being bullied. I hope that in the future people will learn to be as kind as Dr. Paul and accept people the way they are." including Asian Americans.
"It was very inspirational and now I'm motivated to do nicer things and stand up for those who are being bullied. I hope that in the future people will learn to be as kind as Dr. Paul and accept people the way they are."
by the office of NJ Senator Vin Gopal.
9 September 2020.
“Dr. Wichansky is a renowned motivational speaker who was born with cerebral palsy and a hearing loss. A lifelong Freehold Township resident, he has overcome these challenges and continues to share his story of courage and resilience — always with humor — during a speaking career totaling 7,600 school assemblies and conference keynotes in NJ and nationwide,” said Gopal (D-Long Branch). -- NJ student
Celebrating Acceptance with Madison's Books
Freehold, NJ Patch
by Rosalie Avin, Neighbor. 3 August 2020.
by Tyler Barth, Guest Contributor.
19 November 2019.
Brielle Elementary students hear a lesson in respect
Motivational Speaker, 2019 NJ Week of Respect
The Coast Star, Cover Story (in color)
by Scott Yunker, Writer.
10 October 2019.
Former pupil returns to school with message for children to follow their dreams
Freehold NJ News Transcript
by Matthew Sokol, Staff Writer at
14 May 2019.
Hawk Day: News at Corning Painted-Post High School
Motivational Speaker, Spirit and Teamwork Day
by Alexandra Behn, CPP student in Corning, New York.
11 January 2019.
Video testimony from high-school assistant principal

Video testimony (at right) from high-school assistant principal
by Mary Ann McGann, District Coordinator of Community Relations.
9 October 2018.
by Rose O'Connor, 2 May 2018.
Published in the Trenton Monitor.
Keynote Speaker, Novartis Pharmaceuticals.
by TapInto Madison Staff, 26 November 2017.
Trooper Youth Week, New Jersey State Police Academy. Sea Girt NJ.
2016-2017 Academic Year.
Opening Conference Keynote.
Niagara Frontier Publications.
22 May 2015.
Special Education Conference.
23 April 2015.
Dr. Paul Wichansky shared his inspirational message with everyone during the morning keynote and then continued his discussion with teachers. Students and teachers enjoyed opportunities to interact with Dr. Paul after his keynote.
Disability Awareness Month Keynotes at NJ College
by Jessica Ross, The Ramapo News.
6 October 2014.
2013 NJ Week of Respect speaker web site, from the Messenger Gazette.
23 October 2013.
Sussex County Charter School for Technology knows respect
New Jersey Herald.
19 October 2013.
"Each of us can be heroes -- ordinary people who triumph over extraordinary circumstances -- like our favorite television characters do each week."
Man uses humor to talk to students about cerebral palsy
by Mark Marotta, The Philadelphia Reporter, Page A3.
Speaker urges pupils to look beyond disabilities
Invited to speak in all K-8 schools in Lewis County, Washington State.
by Erik Olson, The Daily Chronicle.
21 May 2005.
by Kirk Johnson, The New York Times
Cover story, Metro Section (in color!).
Township man's life story serves as an example to pupils
by Jonathan Rifkin, Asbury Park Press.
20 June 2002.
Taking the "Dis" out of "Disability":
A Unique Speakers Bureau Specializes in Disability Awareness
by Dina Stein, ArcLight Magazine.
Autumn 2002 issue. 4 pages.
He doesn't know the meaning of 'No'
Student's indomitable spirit rises above physical limits, prejudice.
by Tia Swanson, Home News Tribune.
25 June 1995.
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