I thought about all of the time I had wasted, sitting in front of the television, when I could have been working on making myself a better and more understanding person. I began dreaming of all the things I could do with my life, and how precious it is. I felt blessed for being given the opportunity to function without any difficulties. Every day I take as if it is my last, because I know that anything can happen. I treasure the time I spend with my family, instead of ignoring them. I cannot believe how that one class period could change my life so drastically for the better.
I left that room with tears in my eyes and determination in my mind. After that day, whenever I doubt myself, I think of Paul. He overcame so many obstacles set before him, and yet he turned out to be a knowledgeable and inspirational person. I now tell myself: if Paul can do it, I can too.
Now, my goals don't seem very far away. Every day when I wake up, and before I go to bed, I thank God for blessing me with the gift of a healthy life. Just the other day I saw Paul in the cafeteria, and I smiled and said, "Hi." He smiled back, asking how I was.
"Wonderful," I said, "I couldn't be better."
"That's great!", he replied, giving me a grin. As I walked away, I smiled to myself. I then realized that the key to life is happiness, and Paul helped me find it in myself and others.