Dr. Paul Stuart Wichansky, Motivational Speaker
Disability Acceptance    Leadership & Resiliency
Diversity    Overcoming Adversity   Anti-Bullying

Diversity and Inclusion

Introducing diversity and inclusion from a unique perspective.

Introducing diversity and inclusion from a unique perspective.

Dr. Paul Stuart Wichansky

disABILITY Motivational Speaker

Introducing diversity and inclusion from Dr. Paul's unique perspective.

The richness of diversity can best be understood by the following analogy.

I describe the love for detailing my unique car and the passion I have to keep it looking sparkling!  You can partially see it in the picture at right -- it's a Honda Accord that has been rebadged with BMW emblems.  So I hold up, for the students to see, one of the new yellow microfiber towels that I plan to use on my car.

Now examine this towel under a magnifying glass.  Envision the thousands of intersecting threads that give the towel its strength, color, and quality. 

What if this towel was multicolored?

Thousands of threads with bright colors intersect with those that have a more neutral color. Every thread is vitally important to the towel itself. 

Isn’t life the same way?

If we consider each thread as a person, we cross paths with thousands, perhaps millions, of different people on our journey through the years, on this “tapestry” of life.

What occurs when our paths cross with another?

If one acts out in anger, hostility, or ignorance, both threads become frayed, distorted, and discolored at that intersection; a hole begins to form in our life tapestry.

If, however, crossing paths with someone who inspires, uplifts, and motivates allows both threads to expand, thicken, and become vibrant as self-esteem increases. Between these intersections, your thread gets narrower and tighter.

You thus find yourself becoming a part of a living, breathing tapestry of life.

Learning about the challenges faced by others reduces fear.  You are no longer uncomfortable around those who are different in disability, culture, and heritage.

Ripping the DIS from disABILITY

Learn to be a Hero

You don't need tights and a cape to be a Hero.  Give your students and staff the confidence they need to become the Heroes we all know they can be.

Working Together

Boost Confidence

Our challenges can be our greatest gifts in life.  Create a new mindset that transforms adversity into opportunities for self-improvement.


Seize the Expertise!

Details for your seminar, workshop, or keynote will be handled with care. We ensure your school or organization has a memorable event!


Diversity and Inclusion

Inspire your students or staff with a first-hand story of success that leaves an impression lasting for weeks, months, and even years. 

  Access to Success: A Dream, Motivation, and a Winning Attitude!

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