Hello, my name is Paul. I am 26 years old. Although I was born with cerebral palsy, I believe that my physical challenges should not limit me from reaching the goals I have set for myself. Because I have a physical handicap, I must work harder to meet the daily challenges that regular people often take for granted. Meeting these challenges requires a positive attitude and perseverence, as well as a steadfast refusal to accept the meaning of the word, "No." I thus believe that I have since overcome the biggest challenge of all: I have conquered cerebral palsy itself!
It is true that people don't seem to care about one another anymore, that we have seemed to have lost our compassion for the fellow man. In light of this, those who have a physical challenge must show to others their capabilities so that others can witness our desire to be considered "normal." A positive attitude helps a person realize that they should always focus upon their own capabilities, rather than dwell upon their personal challenges. Many physically-challenged people I have encountered often have bright, bubbly personalities because they want others to recognize them for who they are. Many of their personalities are very much stronger, their voices all the more commanding, and their enthusiasm for life all the more contagious.